Our commitment to accountability and to Keeping Children Safe
Terre des Hommes is accountable to its stakeholders for delivering quality work and monitoring its impact, for working in respectful partnership to achieve shared goals and for ensuring that funds are spent efficiently, in line with human rights standards. In 2013, we signed up for the civil society organisation accountability charter Accountable Now to monitor and publicly report.
We are committed to guaranteeing our staff, operations and programmes do no harm to children and that any concerns about children’s safety are reported. Terre des Hommes developed a video explaining how Terre des Hommes creates an institutional working culture that keeps the children we work with safe.
In 2016, we were awarded Level 1 certification for safeguarding children by the global Keeping Children Safe network, the certification was renewed in 2020.
We aim to meet the highest standards in preventing bullying, harassment, fraud and any other professional misconduct, with all staff and stakeholders encouraged to report any concerns they have to the specifically designated concern@terredeshommes.org email address. Terre des Hommes managed 17 child safeguarding cases from October 2020 to September 2021) of which 8 cases were considered closed and 9 open.
Our environmental footprint comes from energy consumption (office equipment and buildings) paper and document management, waste management, and travel. The Terre des Hommes organisations monitor their consumption and endeavour to reduce the negative impact as much as possible. The printing of documents uses recycled paper, recycling of waste is systematic, electricity consumption is controlled and communication by electronic means is always preferred. Remote working is also allowed and supported as well as virtual meetings whenever possible.
We have decided to lower the number of face-to-face meetings by replacing them with virtual calls. The location of the remaining face-to-face meetings is also carefully chosen so as to allow a maximum number of participants to reach locations by train. All these measures have been amplified and developed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.