Destination Unknown is a global campaigning network of organisations and young people committed to ensuring that the rights of children and young people on the move are respected and protected. Our vision is a world where children and young people on the move worldwide enjoy their human rights, are not discriminated against, thrive, and have a future.

In 2021, Terre des Hommes continued to lead Destination Unknown, and welcomed two new members – Iride and Kids Empowerment as well as young people to our Youth Ambassadors’ Programme.

In 2021:

We launched a participatory initiative on changing narratives about children on the move, leading to the development of communications guidelines . We want to influence narratives within Destination Unknown and externally to a more hopeful and positive narrative around children and young people on the move that creates understanding, empathy and belief in the possibility of change. The project was guided by an Advisory and Editorial group including young people on the move. A series of capacity building webinars about hope-based approaches and workshops to develop messaging and content was then tested with audiences in Malta and South Africa.

  • We held our virtual Assembly, supporting member exchanges for learning between regions and approaches, helping our members to be better equipped for campaigning through a dedicated workshop.
  • With our new interactive tool – Child Rights and the Global Compacts Guide – we supported a greater understanding of what is in the global compacts on refugees and migration for children.
  • In Euromed, we supported youth ambassadors to undertake campaign training. 3 Youth Ambassadors developed and undertook youth-led initiatives in Zimbabwe, Tanzania and South Africa covering a range of issues they identified as being important and different outreach and messaging techniques.
Cover of the Child Rights and the Global Compacts Guide | ©Tdh
Cover of the Child Rights and the Global Compacts Guide | ©Tdh