Children and young people are increasingly proving their extraordinary capacity to play key roles in their own development and enacting societal changes. They continue to challenge leaders around the world who fail to implement critical responses necessary for a better future.

Active child and youth participation has been a crucial response in 2021, a time in which children may not hold so many fond memories due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This crisis has posed multiple challenges: it has exacerbated existing children’s vulnerabilities while enhancing the number of children in vulnerable situations. And it has substantially increased child poverty, inequalities and violence against children across the world.

Children and their families have also experienced other consequences of the environmental crisis, as communities have been struck by unexpected floods and landslides as well as an increase in droughts, which affect their health and protection.

Confronted with these very difficult conditions, Terre des Hommes continued to strongly believe that we can build back a better world for and with children. And we  further engaged to address the challenges of the pandemic, poverty, inequalities and violence, through our 730 projects, across 67 different countries while campaigning for the rights of the child.

Giving a voice to children in global spaces is part of our long-term endeavours and we are pleased to have contributed to the new EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child that was launched on 24 March 2021. Many of our recommendations were integrated into the strategy, which prioritises child and youth participation and empowerment.

Working in partnership with other like-minded organisations, pursuing the same aims, is also critical to enhance our impact. This year, Terre des Hommes has been particularly active with the alliance, “Joining Forces for Children”, which gathers the six largest child-focused international NGOs working globally with and for children to secure their rights and to end violence against them.

In 2021, we developed a new Strategic Plan. Our vision is for a world where children can live their childhood, young people are empowered and their communities are fully engaged. This strategy paves the way to enhance our capacities to make meaningful and innovative changes to advance the rights of children.

Finally, we want to warmly thank you, all our donors, supporters, partners, volunteers and staff, for your long-term determination and dedication. Together we can build a safer and more friendly world for children.


Franziska LauperChair of the Federation&Eylah KadjarSecretary General ad Interim